Aaron Sarlo’s Movie Reviews: Ford v Ferrari

They car better than we do. I want us to car better than them. Let’s spend a whole lot of time carring, and see if, in the end, we don’t car better than them. Here we go carring! Look how good we car. But, watch out, because they car real good, too. Oh, no! Something happened, and it looks like we won’t be able to car anymore! Oh, wait, it’s ok, we can still car. That was a close one. Well, looking here! What’s this? Are we gonna out-car those guys?? What?? We did?? In fact, we carred better than everybody?? Wow!! Yee haw!!! We carred so damn good!!

Before-credits epilogue:

They carred better than anyone ever carred before then. They were the best people ever to car. So, in the end, car and more car, and car some more and then then finally… car. Also Matt Damon.