In the Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Quantum Gravy

It’s that time of the year again! Gravydroughtpril! That time of the year where everybody notices all of the sudden that there ain’t no damned gravy anywhere! Don’t be caught with dry food such as baked chicken or Saharan wood ash biscuits (recipe to come). When life gives you dry dinner, it’s time to whup…

In The Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Twice Brandied Roofing Nail Surprise

It’s that time of the year again! Nowsünownow! It’s the perfect time to whup up a warm, cheesy batch of Twice Brandied Roofing Nail Surprise. (The surprise is a sudden gush of bloody mucus from a mouthful of roofing nails piercing your sinuses!) If excruciating oral pain isn’t your thing, you could tweak the recipe…

In the Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Existential Dread Patties

It’s that time of year again: Reflectuary. That time of year when I think about my life. Sitting here, drinking corporate supply chain coffee, wearing corporate supply chain clothes, typing on a shiny machine made from rare earth minerals and human misery, it’s impossible to feel as though individuality matters. Lucky am I to be…

In The Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Chicken-Fried Go Fuck Yourself

It’s that time of the year again, Wednesmuffsember! It’s a great time for fried foods, like jackal fritters and killer whale strips. But, while those dishes might see you packing on the pounds like a disgusting, ancestor-shaming piece of shit, Chicken-Fried Go Fuck Yourself is a delicious, healthy alternative that will help you stay trim…

In The Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Chambered Nautilus Pops

It’s that time of year again, Spummer — when it’s supposed to be Spring, but everything’s on fire already. I blame Al Gore. That motherfucker invented the internet, and then went and gave us Climate Change. The Gore giveth, and the Gore taketh away, I guess. Anyway, Spummer means it’s time for frozen treats, and…

In The Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Salisbury Queef

It’s that time of the year again: Queefster! That magical time of year when Queefus Christ comes back from the dead to hand out presents to good little boys and girls, such as chocolate and bags of bloody, chopped-off hooves. This year, why not celebrate by preparing this one-of-a-kind sumptuous feast for your loved ones!…

In The Kitchen with Aaron Sarlo: Octagon Bisque

It’s that time of the year again, March 3, 10:47am, that time of the year when I am posting this. Today’s featured recipe is a delicious, one-of-a-kind soup made from the hearty octagon — nature’s most 8-sided shape! Whether you take yours with a dollop of whipped butter (the traditional serving style) or with a…